
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 3. 22:51

1. It all sounds amazing, here. 

My dad will love this, Jonny.

Jonny, you need something. 

My mom tells me stories. 

It can be fiction or nonfiction. 

I don't know any stories. 

Can we just talk and get to know each other?

Why did she stop talking to you?

We talk. 

No, you don't.

I mean I don't know.

Did you used to talk a lot?


2. I'll do anything. I'll give you my heart and my everything because I love you.

I'll be right by your side to by your light, to be your guide. 

3. Let's take a stroll. 산책하다

I'm going to take a stroll. 

I took a stroll in the park. 

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