
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 8. 11:42

1. There was a papa bear, a mama bear, a baby bear.
All loved each other, but something was not quite right.
Baby bear knew something was wrong.
Baby bear never said the word, but he worried all the time.
He worried about his papa.
Papa bear had a hard time controlling his feelings, and sometimes he did things upset, even scared mama and baby bear.
So should I call you like papa, dad, or just Jonny?
2.  What's out of place when you look into the mirror? 이상하다
The truth is blurry, but lies are getting clear.
Your eyes are fixed. Your smile is so elastic.
You gave me roses, but they're all made of plastic.
3. Please, keep it to yourself. 혼자만 알다
I'll keep it to myself.
I was going to keep it to myself.

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