
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 9. 10:49

1. You know, you should come with me. 


Come with me to New York.

Like right now. 

Not right now, but yes. 

We have to go this weekend to do interviews and stuff. 

And you can help me. 

Recorded sound, maybe, I can like weave that into the show. 

I think it'll be fun. 

I'd love that. 

2. When the visions around you bring tears to your eyes, all that surrounds you are secrets and lies. 

I'll be your strength. I'll give you hope. Keeping your faith when it's gone. 

3. It'll be good in the long run. 장기적으로 

It'll be good for body in the long run. 

You will win in the long run. 

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