
GMP pracice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 7. 11:52

1. Why aren't you married?
I was with somebody for a long time, lousina.
She knew very well. She was only an ordinary little girl who had come by a cyclone into a strange land.
Did you love her?
I still do.
Then, why did you break up?
I don't know. When she had tried watching the dancing, Boke let her into the house where he gave her a room with a pretty bed in it.
I don't think it was my choice.
2. You walk and talk like you're new sensation.
돌풍, 바람
You move in circles. You don't need an invitation.
You spend your money.
You can't get no satifaction
You play it right. So you can get the right direction.
3. Just settle down.
It take awhile to settle down.
I'd like to settle down here. 편안히 앉다, 정착하다 .

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