
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 8. 2. 17:18

1. It doesn't feel like it's ben a year to me.
Does it to you?
No, it'sweird.
I didn'twhat to do with myself today.
Yes, I knwo, if I just work then, I feel like I'm not mourning in the right way or whatever.
If I sit in this depressing hotel room, and just thnk about mom, then it's prettty brutal. So I called you.
2. Sometimes, Ijust hold you too caught up in me to see, I'm hlding a fortune that heaven has given to me.
I'll try to show you each and everyway I can.
Now and forever, I'll be your man.
3. Let's think it through.
We need to thnk it through . 심사숙고 하다
We didn't think that through.

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