
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 9. 22. 09:24

1. Usually, where they sit at these tables and they are laughing about all the oddness and all the scandles. 

But with you, they do not laugh. 

They are gentle with you. 

They're kind. They're worried. 

They want you to survive. 

As a person when you first came 10 years ago. 

Do you have access to wire cutters?

Why do you want wire cutters, Diana?

To cut wire. 

2. My lord, please take hold of my hand. 꽉잡다

That I might understand you. 

Won't you please?

Won't you?

3. She is always on the go. 계속 일하는, 정신없이 바쁜

I've been on the go all day long. 

Were you on the go all week?


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