
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 9. 25. 11:19

1. Mamm, I've been asked to insure that this time, unlike your arrival at the house. You arrive for dinner on time. 

It is her majesty, and house of Winser. 

I'm pleaged to serve. I speak with their voice. 

So please, there is no time for indulgence.

It was you who put the book on my bed. 

What book?

You put it there as warning. 

2. Love to some is like a cloud. To some is strong steel.

For some a way for living. For some a way to feel.

Some say love is holding on. 

Some say let it go. Some say love is everything. 

Some say they don't know. 

3. He lost himself in that movie. 

I lost myself in the beautiful melody. 

We lost ourselves in good memories. 


'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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