
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 9. 26. 11:28

1. The princess of Whales was gone outside.

She says she's going home. 

Really? How odd.

I think that means she's going to parkhouse. 

It's dangerous, sir. 

The stairs and floor board are rotten. 

If the princess wants to go home, who are we to stand in her way?

If the police report anything, tell them let her be. 

That is all she wansts, for us, all just let her be. 

2. Perhaps, love is like the ocean, full of conflict, full of pain, like a fire when it's cold outside. 

Thunder when it rains. If I should live forever, all my dreams come true, my memories will be all you. 

3. It makes your eyes water. 

The onion makes my eyes water. 

The drama made my eyes water. 눈물나게 하다 

'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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