
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 2. 10:33

1. Are you sure about this for Veronia?

Because once you give  animal a name, it can't be changed. 

It's very bad luck. 

What are you telling her now?

I'm just telling her the simple truth.

You can only give animal one name. 

Once it's uttered on your lips. That's who it will always be. 

Here we go, now it's the moment of the truth.

and the bunny's name is Benjamin. 

2. You look into my eyes. 

I go out of my mind. 

I can't see anything cuz this love's got me blind. 

I can't help myself. 

I can't break the spell. 

I can't even try. 

3. Who do you take after?

I think I take after my dad. 

I take after my parents half and half. 닮다 


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