
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 4. 10:29

1. See, I'm just trying to get as much of sense of who he was in the brief time that I have. 

Was there anything about you'd like to mention?

Like what?

He was respected by his peers. 

I never met any of his coworkers. 

he kept himself a lot especially my mom died. 

They met in England. 

That's where he's from. My mom's Brizilian. 

2. Oh, Maria, Maria, she reminds me of a west side story growing up in Spanish halem. 

She is living the life, just like a movie star. 

Maria, Maria, she fell in love in estern LA to the sounds of guitar, played by Garo Santana. 

3. He is wakeful at night. = stay wakeful, 잠을 못 이루는 

I was wakeful last night. 

It may cause you to be wakeful at night. 


'Movies' 카테고리의 다른 글

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