
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 6. 10:41

1. Where are those?

In my desk.

I'll see if I can find them. 

Top drawer, way  in the back. 

I was wondering if you'd have a chance to speak to your lawyer. 

About what?

Early release. 

But, I don't want early release, dad. 

You know that.

No one decides to stay in jail. 

I have. 


Because that's what I deserve after what I did. 

2. Stop the looting, stop the shooting, pick pocketing on the corner. 훔치다

See, as the rich is getting richer, the poor is getting poor. 

Maria, on the corner, thinking of ways make it better. 

In my mailbox, there's an eviction letter. 퇴거

Signed by the judge. Said see you later. 

3. I have no time to lose. 

There is no time to lose. 

We have no time to rest. 



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