
GMP practice

NJChoi 2023. 10. 3. 10:18

1. Does this mean you want to work at your restaurant?
No, let's open something new.
I'm sure your parents will love to invest in a Brizirian restaurant.
This is Protugea's dish.
Ok, so, we'll make my second restaurant of Brizirian Protugeas fusion, and name it after it.
Rose Angela.
A beautiful name, for the most beautiful woman in the world.
It's true. I'm the luckiest man alive.
If you only knew, I'm happy now.
2. Baby, I'm too lost in you, in you.
Lost in everything about you.
So deep, I can't sleep. I can't think I just think about things that you do.
I'm too lost in you, too lost in you.
3. I want to make it to the top. 정상, 도착하다, 가다
My team will make it to the finals.
I wish I can make it to the concert.

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